Summer School 2023
We look forward to welcoming all new Year 7 students at Summer School in August so that you can make friends and find your way around the academy before your first day in September.
Example of the summer school timetable
Please complete the pre-summer school surveys just before or on the 21st of August.
Pre-summer school parent survey
Pre-summer school student survey
Review of Summer School 2022
Aim of the programme
Supporting Year 6 pupils’ a) academic progress by identifying gaps in knowledge and b) social and emotional needs by reducing anxiety around starting secondary school
Who the programme was for
Year 7 Students (2022 Intake). We were delighted that Attendance to Summer school was over 93% which has made for a smooth transition into Spires Academy for our Year 7 students.
What we offered and key strengths of the programme
Spires Academy offered a rich academic and enrichment programme, to all students, consisting of English, Maths and Science lessons which were supported by Team Building activities, Food Tech, PE, Art and Drama. The week finished with a trip to Wingham Wildlife Park.
Feedback from students/parents/staff
Staff – ‘Summer school is one of the most valuable times for me at Spires. It is when I get to build those special relationships with young people who are starting their journey with us’.
Students said: - ‘It was so fun’ • ‘I loved sports and drama’ • ‘Loved cooking as I also like cooking at home’ • ‘I loved making the cookies’ • ‘I loved drama because it was fun’ • ‘I made lots of new friends’ • ‘My favourite subject was science, I enjoyed doing experiments’ • ‘It helped me get to know the school and make friends’ • ‘It was very fun, and I made lots of friends’ • ‘I now know my way around the school’ • ‘I enjoyed it because I did fun lessons and made friends’ • ‘I loved eating the cookies we baked’ • ‘I loved the teachers’ • ‘English was my favourite as I like writing’ • ‘My favourite subject was art as we got to print things’ • ‘It was very helpful as I now know where I am going’ • ‘I liked the games we played in drama’ • ‘I loved it because I got to express myself’ • ‘My favourite was PE because Mr Reygate was funny’ • ‘I am now familiar with teachers, classes and friends so I feel more confident’ • ‘I enjoyed the tug of war’ • ‘Science was fascinating’ • ‘Taught me that it is ok to make mistakes’
Case study
Student A has an attendance of below 50% at Primary school (they were on a TT of an hour a day), they attended summer school and have been in school every day, all day since we started in September.
Student B was in tears when they arrived on the Monday of summer school, they were introduced to our TA who introduced them to some of the students who were going to be in their class and supported them for that day. Tuesday, they arrived very happily, and we have seen no more tears at summer school or when they started at Spires.
Student C, a SEN student who really struggles with change, was sent a TT for summer school before the Monday, so they were prepared for what was going to happen. They arrived very nervously on the Monday but again we introduced them to a member of staff who supported them. We had a few hiccups at summer school, and they did not attend one day; but they did make friends and have been in school 100% of the time since September.