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Spires Academy

Physical Education

Driven by a determination to create welcoming schools for the local community, where every person thrives, makes excellent progress and succeeds.

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Physical Education 


At Spires Academy, we believe that Physical Education & Sport, above all, should be a creative and inspiring subject. Through the learning journey our students study a wide range of sports activities. Our students are immersed in a variety of activities, including Invasion Games, Dance, Gymnastics, Net & Wall Games, Striking & Fielding, Athletics & Health Related Fitness.

We aim to inspire our students to live a healthy, active life and have a love for taking part in sport and activity. It is important to include life skills, such as how to exercise and keep yourself fit; expertise in these areas will ensure that our students are able to live a healthy, active lifestyle.

Curriculum Intent

Our curriculum aims to enable all young people to become:

  1. Successful learners who enjoy learning, make progress and achieve
  2. Confident individuals who lead safe and healthy lives
  3. Responsible citizens who make a positive contribution to society

Powerful knowledge in Physical Education & Sport

  • Advanced strategies, tactics and skills used in sports and physical activities.
  • Rules and regulations for a range of sports and the roles of different types of officials.
  • Short and long-term effects of exercise on the body, including muscular, cardiovascular and respiratory systems.
  • Choreographed dances with advanced ideas.
  • Safety factors during physical activity and for more advanced activities.
  • The components of fitness and how you can improve them by using methods of training and principles of training.
  • The benefits of leading a healthy, active lifestyle through exercise and diet as well as including physical activity outside of school.
  • The development of respect towards team-mates, opponents and officials in competitive situations.
  • Being responsible for own actions and their part in the team.
  • Resilience will be taught by providing and receiving peer feedback on performance.

Curriculum Features

  • Students to develop the knowledge and skills to be physically active and healthy in later life. Our curriculum will promote a love of physical activity and the confidence to participate.
  • Students will be able to evaluate their own health and fitness levels using data effectively and implement effective programs to further enhance their ability levels.
  • The curriculum will also promote the academic side of the subject, closely linking practical and theoretical concepts.
  • Students will learn about worldwide sports, training practices and the global issues associated with these.
  • They will be able to make reasoned arguments about important issues, such as performance enhancement, gender stereotypes and use of the media to promote sport and confidently articulate their opinions and challenge their peers’ opinions using evidence to support their arguments.
  • Students will be given an opportunity to work with their peers and will be encouraged to demonstrate the trust qualities.
  • Students will develop a knowledge and understanding of how to work with students who have a variety of different skill levels and strengths. They will be guided to use leadership qualities when working as part of a team and respond to the strengths and weaknesses of those they are working with, with the intention of students taking these skills into their working life.
  • Sportsmanship should be visible in all lessons with students abiding by rules, being humble in victory and gracious in defeat.

Curriculum Enrichment

  • Sporting academies which look to give gifted and talented learners the opportunity to take specialised training within Dance, Equestrian, Football, Golf, Gymnastics, & Leadership. Our sports students have seen great success in competing within national competitions.
  • Sporting trips – Holland Football Tour.
  • Competing in Local, Regional & National competitions.

Physical Education Curriculum Map

BTEC Tech in Sport, Activity and Fitness