Behaviour and Rewards
General Discipline
Students have the right to learn and teachers have the right to teach.
behaviour principles
- E21C values of Trust, Kindness and Endeavour and school specific values and ethos.
- The actions and words of each member of our community allows a positive working environment to flourish.
- Individuals are helped to build their esteem and they help others to do the same
- Positive attitudes and ‘can do’ mind-set that shows resilience and determination
- Everyone accepts responsibility for their own actions
- Doing the right thing – even when no one is watching
- Individuals are supported by a restorative approach that recognises we all need help not to repeat poor choices.
School Sanction System
The sanctions available to the school include:
- Withdrawal of privileges
- Withdrawal from lessons
- Break time detention
- Lunchtime detention
- After school faculty detention
- Isolation Room (students will be isolated from lessons)
- Alternative timetable (arranged on an individual basis)
- Fixed term suspension (increasing incrementally for repeat offences)
- Managed move (fresh start) to another school
- Permanent suspension
The Academy behaviour policy and systems are designed to promote good behaviour, self-discipline, and respect; to prevent bullying and ensure students and staff can work in a productive and calm environment.
Behaviour for Learning Management Procedure
When unacceptable behaviour occurs, the Academy responds to incidents quickly and effectively. Unacceptable behaviour is divided into 5 consequences ‘bands’:
Amber 1 (A1) Amber 2 (A2) and Red 1 (R1)
Recent Education Acts have given school staff the authority to discipline students for breaking school rules, failure to follow instructions or other unacceptable behaviour. Teachers are now permitted to regulate the conduct of students when they are off school premises and not under the control of the school staff. The concept of “it happened outside of the school gate and is nothing to do with the school” is no longer valid in many circumstances.
It is important to understand that any action taken by a student of this Academy which could bring the Academy into disrepute will be dealt with under the school sanction system.
Although the school can now issue same night detentions, we will not use this power and will continue to give parents 24 hours’ notice for any detention lasting longer than 10 minutes.
It is important to note that parental permission for a detention is not legally required, although the school will listen to reasonable requests for a change of date for an after-school detention (but not a change of time - if an after-school detention is issued then your child will be expected to attend after school).
Protection from Bullying
Spires Academy community treats all accusations of bullying as serious matters of concern. Teaching and support staff are aware of the need for vigilance and will follow up any incident that could involve bullying. Students are encouraged to take a key role in making our school a safe and happy place for everyone.
Students should tell someone if they are being bullied or see any form of bullying. Parents should contact the relevant Pastoral Manager if they suspect that their child is being bullied. Alternatively, they can report any concerns directly by emailing us on
Arbor Behaviour Reporting |
P |
Positive achievement points are awarded during lessons and when students are on site. The points build up each day and students are then eligible for a range or rewards. Parents can see these points as they are awarded. |
A1 |
Verbal warning. This is recorded as a negative behaviour point and is the students first opportunity to correct their behaviour. No detention given. |
A2 |
Final verbal warning. This is recorded as a negative behaviour point and is the students last opportunity to correct their behaviour before a detention is awarded. No detention given at this stage. |
R1 |
Removal - This is recorded as a negative behaviour point and will result in the student being removed from the class and placed in the reset room for the remainder of the lesson. Detention will be set. |