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Spires Academy


Driven by a determination to create welcoming schools for the local community, where every person thrives, makes excellent progress and succeeds.

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Uniform and Equipment 2024-25

These are the uniform expectations which will be strictly adhered to from September 2023.  Some changes have been made to the uniform from the 2023/24 cohort. other year groups may continue to wear the old uniform including the old PE kit and jumper/cardigan.

Our supplier is MONKHOUSE SCHOOLWEAR (see link below) and uniform can purchased online as well as from their maidstone store. (Newnham Court, Bearsted Road, Maidstone, Kent ME14 5LH).

we have some stock of old uniform so please contact Mrs hogBen (khogBen@spires.e21c.co.uk) if you wish to purchase any of the older style PE kit or jumpers.

As always we look towards our parents/carers for support in this area.

  • School blazer with logo.
  • A white collared shirt with a top button that can be done up for the whole day (long or short-sleeved).
  • A year group tie, correctly worn.  (Colours for academic year 2024 - 2025 are; Year 7 Red , Year 8 Gold , Year 9 Green, Year 10 Purple and Year 11 Blue).
  • Black trousers, these must be tailored for boys and girls. These are available from Monkhouse but may be bought from other retailers as long as they are tailored.  No leggings, jeggings or jeans are to be worn.
  • Black pleated skirt must be purchased from Monkhouse for current  Year 7 and 8s as well as any new joiners.  Other year groups may continue to wear the old style of skirt (black pleated or black with a single pleat at the front) from other retailers.  However, it must be no more than 2 inches above the knee. Any other style skirt is not permitted.  https://www.monkhouse.com/school/spires-academy-urn-135305
  • Traditional black school shoes with no logos.
  • Black socks must be worn with trousers.
  • Plain black tights must be worn with a skirt (black ankle socks will be permitted in Term 6, these must not include bows, frills etc.  Knee length socks will not be permitted).
  • There is an optional black knitted v neck jumper that can be worn under the blazer, a version with the logo is available from the uniform outfitters at a good price. (Years 9 to 11 may still wear the old jumper/cardigan with the logo).  A jumper cannot be worn instead of a blazer which must be worn at all times.  
  • No other jumpers, sweatshirts or cardigans are permissible and will need to be removed before coming on site.
  • All students should have a plain outer coat (not a fleece, sweatshirt or hoodie)
  • All students should bring a traditional school bag to school everyday, ideally this should be a backpack style but larger shoulder bags are permitted as long as they can hold A4 size exercise books as well as other necessary items such as the school journal, a pencil case, water bottle etc. Handbags of any description / man-bags are not permitted and will be confiscated.
  • Belts should be discreet.
  • Any make-up worn must be discrete
  • Two small stud earrings are permitted.
  • Facial piercings are strictly prohibited e.g. nose studs, eye brow bars or rings as are visible tattoos
  • Fake nails and fake eyelashes are not permitted.
  • Extreme hairstyles (cut and/or colour) are also inappropriate
  • Students should bring a pencil case to school with blue or black pens, a green pen, ruler, pencil, rubber and sharpener.  Other items such highlighters, basic set of colouring pencils etc are a good idea. 

PE KIT (2024-2025)

From the official school supplier

  • Spires skort, shorts, joggers or leggings (only one of these items is required)
  • Spires blue sports top with logo
  • Optional Spires blue 1/4 zip track top with logo

From any retailer

  • Long sleeve black t-shirt can be worn under the blue sports top in winter
  • Black leggings under the skort or shorts in winter if you prefer not to purchase the joggers or leggings as well as the skort or shorts
  • White sports socks
  • Black or white rugby/football socks
  • Trainers (any)
  • Football boots (any)
  • Gum shield

 Uniform Letter 

Monkhouse Flyer 

 To purchase your uniform please click on the link below and you will be navigated directly to the Monkhouse Uniform Shop.  

Monkhouse Uniform Shop 

There is a Facebook Pre-loved Uniform Exchange Here. This is will mainly have older style PE kit and uniform for students in Years 8 to 11.  We also have an onsite shop with new and pre-loved uniform. Please contact Mrs Hogben for more information.

Thank you for your continued support in this matter.