The admissions process complies with the current admissions legislation. At Spires Academy we recognise that choosing a secondary school is one of the most important decisions any parent/carer will make. To help make that choice please refer to the KCC ‘Admission to Secondary School in Kent’ brochure, look at our website and if you would like to, please make an appointment to come and visit us.
The Academy published admission number (PAN) is currently 150.
KCC publishes information on how to apply for a secondary school and this is published on the KCC website.
KCC is responsible for making sure:
- that parents/carers can express their preference for a school place for their child
- that parents/carers have access to the information which helps them to make up their minds
- that every child is offered an appropriate school place.
At Spires Academy all parents are invited to attend an Open Evening where they will have an opportunity to meet the Principal, staff, Governors and students and tour the Academy. Those parents who wish to see the Academy during normal hours can attend one of our Open Mornings and take a tour with one of our Ambassador students.
Parent/Carers will then complete a Secondary Common Application Form (SCAF), stating their school preferences.
Spires Academy Admission Arrangements for entrance into Year 7
The Trustees welcome applications from parents/carers who fully subscribe to our ethos and are prepared to support us in our drive for ever improving standards. Spires is a non-selective and inclusive Academy and welcomes students regardless of their aptitude or ability. The Trustee board is the Admissions Authority and as such is responsible for the administration of the admissions arrangements and for any appeals.
If the number of applications for places at the academy is greater than the admission number (150), applications will be considered against the criteria set below.
After the admission of children with statements of special educational needs/Education Health Care Plan (EHCP), where the Academy is named in part IV of the statement/recorded in the Plan, we will use the following factors, in priority order, to decide which students will be given places:
- Children in Local Authority Care or Previously in Local Authority Care
- Current Family Association
- Medical, health, social and special access reasons
- Distance of home from the Academy
Should you require further details then please read our full Admissions Policy or contact the school office.
Please see a link below to the KCC Admissions website.
Year 7 school applications for 2025/26
Any application for a Casual ‘In Year’ Admission should be made directly to the Academy.
The application will be considered according to our published admission criteria. It is likely that the previous school will be contacted for a report and the parent and student invited into the Academy for an informal interview and tour of the facilities.
Spires Academy works in collaboration with all Canterbury Schools in regards to the agreed Fair Access Protocols. Where the application is from a child who may be considered ‘hard to place’ the LA Admission’s officer will be informed and the application may be referred to the In Year Fair Access panel. (As per The Schools Admissions Code 2014). Please see a link below to the KCC Admissions website.
In Year Appeals
Appeals resulting from in-year admission applications will be held within 30 school days of the appeal being lodged. Appellants will be sent notification of the appeal hearing together with a copy of the school's case 10 clear school days in advance of the hearing.
September 2024 Entry Appeals
Appeals are scheduled to take place the week beginning 26th June and appellants will be notified of the date of appeal at least 10 days prior to the hearing (unless they have agreed to waive this right). The deadline for submitting the appeal is Thursday 28th March 2024. Any appeals received after this date will be heard within 40 school days from the deadline date.
Please see further information about the appeals process below along with the appeal form that should be submitted to the school.
Admissions Appeals Information 2024
Admissions Appeals Guidance 2024
Should you require further details then please read our full Admissions Policy or email the school office on